A New Boost to International Publishing Cooperation – Inauguration of the International Publishing Cooperation Center

On June 15, 2023, opening day of the 29th Beijing International Book Fair, Lu Cairong, vice president of China International Communications Group (CICG) announced the inauguration of the International Publishing Cooperation Center (the center) under the International Publishing Cooperation Mechanism for China-Themed Books (the mechanism). Besides Mr. Lu, CICG Vice President Liu Dawei and representatives from publishing circles also took part in the inaugural ceremony.
In his address, Lu announced that the center is committed to strengthening and capitalizing on the functions and roles of the mechanism, facilitating international publishing cooperation, presenting to the world a modern perspective on China and its people, promoting exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations, and extending the reach and appeal of China’s civilization. Run by the mechanism’s secretariat – Foreign Languages Press, and acting as its functional office, the center will further promote the mechanism’s role as a cooperation organization and a think tank for international publishing. Through the center, Chinese and international partners will expand communication and coordination under the mechanism, generate new momentum, present new visions, and achieve higher efficiency and greater results in cooperation.
Hu Kaimin – head of the mechanism’s secretariat, and president and editor-in-chief of Foreign Languages Press – briefed on the functions, focus and goals of the center. In future the center will conduct joint research on hot issues in international publishing and produce research reports and cooperation guides for deeper information sharing. It will support global talent recruitment and networking, and build platforms for international cooperation, research, and communication. It will also assess and select topics for China-themed books, organize localized publishing and marketing, and accelerate progress on publishing cooperation projects. In addition, the center will conduct special research projects to build overseas demand for China-themed books and increase their influence, strengthen distribution channels and digital integrated publishing, and develop translation capacity.
At the event, Kan Ninghui, president of Shanghai Century Publishing, Rexhep Hida, general director of the Publishing House “Fan Noli”, and other Chinese and international guests delivered speeches welcoming the inauguration of the center. The ceremony was attended by around 70 representatives from CICG and its affiliated units, and from Chinese and international members of the mechanism.