Friendly Exchange: Bridging China and India

Friendliness between peoples is the key to sound relations between states. Guided by their national leaders, China and India have boosted cooperation in various fields such as investment, commerce, education, tourism, arts and culture. Bilateral investment and trade are on the rise. A rising number of tourists from China and India are visiting each other’s countries. More and more Indian students head to China for education. Indian films such as Dangal have become popular with Chinese audiences, and yoga has been popular in China for decades.
China and India established a high-level people-to-people exchange mechanism at the end of 2018. In the future, the two countries will hold multiple activities related to cultural exchange, preservation of cultural relics, education cooperation, language teaching, tourism cooperation, and youth, sports, media and academic exchange, coproduction of films, and more. The 2.7 billion people in China and India hold enormous potential for cooperation. The increasingly enhanced people-to-people exchange will strengthen mutual understanding, mutual trust and friendship, driving China-India relations forward.