Traditional Media in Non-traditional Times

New media technology has generated many new products. With the fast-developing live broadcasting industry and other media products, the audience is no longer restricted to whatever traditional media offers. With the help of new media, the audience has gained the initiative of speech, becoming the disseminators or even producers of information.
However, in the complex “we” media age, people may speak frankly about their opinions and ideas, but they may also become disseminators of negative messages or false information. And the booming business of internet celebrities draws focus from other news and leads to an excess of infotainment which neglects important developments in favor of celebrity gossip. This is not a negative trait of the new media itself, but, to a certain extent, the technology has enabled the misuse of media and the “collapse” of the communication system, leading to a certain degree of pollution of the media environment.
In such an era, the existence of traditional media is increasingly crucial and should be supported and paid close attention to. When new media creates new forms and set new boundaries, we need traditional media to persist in amplifying opinions of reputable sources with faith and strength.
Some say that today’s traditional media will continue to exist with irreplaceable authority and credibility in the market environment for a fairly long period. Even if the status quo is maintained, how long will the media last? Will it, like all life, become extinct one day? No one has an absolute answer. Under such circumstances, traditional media’s effectiveness in influencing opinion, changing trends, silencing “chaos” and emitting positive energy and well-sourced news depends on many more factors, and not just the enthusiasm of traditional media people.
As the saying goes, “Water can capsize a boat, but it can also carry a boat.” If we can integrate the speed and coverage advantages of new media with the content of traditional media, meet the needs of the audience in a cutting-edge manner, and achieve authenticity, fairness, timeliness and comprehensiveness in a language they understand, we will surely wield considerable power. The value of well-sourced news will be highlighted, and traditional media will survive in some form or another. With regulations and healthy guidance, “we” media can also improve in performance.